The Future of Earth Caught Between Barack and a Hard Place

Its gotten to the point where watching the evening news is almost a masochistic ritual. It is as if we should have understood that after the second coup d’état in the 2004 US Presidential “Election” those who stole power from the American People were not about to let it go. Bill Clinton is just starting to speak up about it. Good for Bill. Maybe Hillary should run as an Independent.

5/29/08 – Hilary Clinton can recognize treachery when she sees it. After all, she bore witness to the outworking of a very real right wing conspiracy to undermine the power of our President and his Presidency. She knows that it was planned and executed by leftovers from the old Bush administration that her husband naively let remain during the “transition” period when he first took Office.

The reason that those who have seized control of this planet can’t stand the idea of President Hillary Clinton is because she actually knows first hand what they are capable of. As if that is not bad enough, she also wants to take their tax credits away. The thought of it!

Hillary Clinton knows that the same treasonous jackals that heckled and threatened the vote counters in Florida, setting the stage for the 2000 Supreme overthrow of our collective political will, now jeer at her too. These “people” are not even subtle. This is the way this group has acted for decades. They shoot a President in broad daylight, buy Zapruder’s film and change the frame sequences to match their ridiculous Lee Harvey Oswald lie. Later they digitize and mask the real event.

These manipulators of perception really know how to “seize the day” and any remaining real intelligence along with it. “Democracy” be damned! Just tell the snoozing masses what to do. Vote for our guy (either one of them) and let us build our nuclear power plants. The scientists who work for us say it is safe. Would we hurt you? Would we poison you? Don’t you trust us?

Didn’t you know we have discredited the few remaining, honest scientists who worked for you and your planet? Who dares to say they offered you real solutions? We will tell you what is real. Who cares if they warned you about the disasters unfolding all around you, decades before they actually happened, when they could have been prevented? It was all lucky guesses. Just like their earthquake predictions. Our cute little science puppets can’t do it; so how can they?

These same Masters of War and Deceit really know how to lay down the law and rape it. I could have sworn I heard Mr. Cheney say, “Truth is against the rules, you idiots.”

Unfortunately many of us were lulled back into a brief political stupor when the puppet masters gave us the illusion of a victory in the 2006 “elections”. They had already changed the rules so that now we actually need sixty votes to get anything done in the United States Senate. They counted on our carefully cultured gullibility. They counted on us blaming the all too often mediocre Democratic Party for the failure to get anything done. You know, like stopping the political, moral and economic hemorrhage in Iraq.

Will Howard Dean and the DNC rules committee cooperate by allowing the Republican majority in the Florida Legislature to call the dance and invalidate Hillary Clinton’s impressive and compelling victory in that State? Intentionally dispiriting, isn’t it. Who needs Jeb Bush when you’ve got Howard Dean? (An Important Update: Who “Really” Won?)

To the “special delegates” who have thrown Hillary Clinton to the dogs, I have to quote Bob Dylan. “You have a lot of nerve, to say you have a helping hand to lend. You just want to be on the side that’s winning.” Even if it is the side that cannot really win the general election. Millions of us will not vote for Obama.

Once again the Rove PM (Perception Management) machine successfully does the bidding of its trillionaire masters. Whoever serves these monsters, as they devour our planet for sport, never gets charged with a crime that the Marionette in Chief couldn’t pardon with a stroke of the pen. All the while they celebrate the waterboarding of Lady Liberty. We can almost hear them say, “Are you gagging yet, you little beitch? Screw you and your habeas corpus.”

Now for their next encore performance they have nearly broken through the conundrum of the looming probability of losing the next election to Hillary Clinton by demanding that you vote for the candidate of their choice. You’re not a racist are you? All the while millions suffer the illusion that their movement chose this candidate. Barack is their man… not ours.

It is hard to believe that the deal is nearly done. While the entrained political sheep call out joyfully to their false prophet, the monsters gather up the remnants of the American dream and cry out, Yes We Can, right along with their braying political livestock. Yes We Can, steal another election!

I called this strategy Karl Rove’s Dream and not long after that Karl Rove came right out in public and did everything the most diabolical political operative since Goebbels could do to endorse Barack Obama. He then gave Obama his next cue. Rove demanded that Barack dump the man he once referred to as “my best friend on Earth”. Throw him right under the bus and drive over him, Barack baby. And it came to pass, a few hours later, that Barack Obama obediently carried out the command, attempting to put twenty years of mentoring by Jeremiah Wright out of the dazed public eye.

Too few of us joined Senator Hillary Clinton’s demand for the decommissioning the electronic voting machines. The thieves will count most of our votes or not as they see fit unless we demand paper ballots. Demand them, now.

Our attention gets too often stuck on the tar baby of obscured details regarding the continuing catastrophe unraveling around us. All the while, the real scientific, political and economic issue of this century goes completely ignored or is dressed up in solar panels, hybrid cars or other techno-lollipops.

We have almost reached the zero point of our collective descent into an unprecedented political, economic and environmental abyss. It may at last be time for us to consider what the “bosses” don’t want us to even believe is possible. We could, by the hair of our chinny, chin, chins still enjoy a benign and abundant future powered by clean and pollution free zero point vacuum fluctuation based technologies.

Tesla’s spirit whispers into the bleeding ears of Liberty, “Wake up! My beloved. Wake up and put your life on the line before the next two-mile wide tornado, category four hurricane, massive flood or 8-point earthquake reduces your dreams to piles of promised change and false hopes. It is better to live with integrity than to die without it.”

Look up my friends. Look up into the intentionally obscured skies of Planet Earth. Just think; those planes that look like they are spraying a death shroud before the Sun are really just making contrails. They just persist and spread now, that’s all. See the pretty refractions? Don’t worry. Be dopey. The Fluoride, Prozac and Zoloft now found in all of your major cities’ water supplies are good for you. It is a mercy killing after all.

Adam Trombly

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