Conversations that Matter…About Works That Make a Difference

The late R. Buckminster Fuller called Project Earth™ a “human design experiment.” The goal of the Project Earth™ was originally to demonstrate that we as human beings could act as the primary network/medium of communication towards the dissemination of information regarding the Emergency on Earth and mutual inspiration towards healing. We have never had a large central organization. Our primary organizing principal is shared with all life. It is our love of our planet and of one another that is our prime mover.

We discovered years ago that our power transcends the conventional media. Long before the advent of the Internet Project Earth™ proved conclusively that we are not only capable but very willing to act in a manner befitting a viable species. For well over a decade people have committed themselves to communicating the information disseminated through the Project Earth™ Mother Node to friends, family and colleagues. We ask that each Project Earth™ participant communicates with ten or more. It is purely up to you. It is called exponential networking. It is a way we can all help change our own planetary circumstance. It is a way we take responsibility for our future.

Project Earth™ does not solicit funding but we do encourage you to join our voices in our collective demand that our governments do what is right for the environment and the future of our species. We encourage every one to transcend political inertia and participate in Democracy where ever you may be. We have very little time.

Contact Us for information on how you can help.

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