An Open Letter to President Obama
April 5, 2009 – I am responding to the many enquiries I have been receiving regarding my near silence over the last Months. I understand your concerns and the anxiety you may be feeling as the old order crashes and burns. It is not a time when it is easy to feel warm and cozy about life on Earth.
The old archons of greed and willful destruction have parasitized our countries and our planet for long enough. The time has come to make a choice between the awakening light or the darkness of denial. We must choose if we will content ourselves with half hearted “solutions” or whether we will embrace real solutions that can actually even at this late date make life fun again.
The mess that has been created on this planet is beyond belief. There is no town nor any sector of Earth whatsoever that has not been wounded by the old order of loveless survival.
A few summers ago I had the opportunity of hearing an amazing presentation at the Aspen Institute by two remarkable scientists, John P. Holdren and Nathan S. Lewis. In the course of an hour and a half these two gentlemen summarized why it is that all of the “alternative energy technologies” that are currently mainstream could not compensate for the amount of energy produced worldwide by fossil fuels. In other words all of these technologies together could not counterbalance the damage of carbon fuel technologies nor could they come close to equalling the output. I had never before heard a more eloquent or concise presentation regarding this subject.
This is another reason I write tonight. I just heard one of the most hopeful things I have heard since the Inauguration of Barack Obama. The new President has named John Holdren to be his chief science advisor.
This is actually very good news. John Holdren will not lead the new President down the primrose path of false hopes based on solar, wind and nuclear power. John Holdren knows and can clearly articulate why it is we need a new form of energy generating technology.
What I can say to our new President is this:
Mr. President,
You have called for a revolution in energy technology that is up to the challenge of this most difficult time. Zero Point Vacuum Fluctuation Technologies can meet that challenge. Examples of these technologies exist already in both the government and private domains.
These technologies once developed and deployed will transform the economy and the environment in ways that are hard to imagine. A few of my colleagues and I have spent the last several decades researching and reducing to practice different manifestations of this art.
Mr President as Commander in Chief of the United States Military you can ask for full disclosure of these technologies and in the spirit of change which swept you into office see that they are developed and deployed for the sake of the People and for the sake of the Earth.
Ask who Edwin Gray was Mr. President. He worked for the Navy and was kept under what he called “house arrest” in a rural setting in Idaho until his untimely death.
Ed Gray was my friend and colleague and the same U.S. Naval Intelligence officer was our handler. Ed Gray produced motor/generator sets that could have changed the world for the better. These devices could more than dectuple output vs.input ratios. In other words Mr. President tens times more electrical power came out of Ed’s machines than went in.
Ed ended up making weapons, instead of helping to save the world, Mr. President and then he died with a broken heart. I could go on with more examples but even if you just saw what the Navy has you would be blown away. I am not asking you to believe in any of the technologies I have been fortunate to co-invent. Just find out about Ed Gray”s work and start there.
If you do this Mr. President then we will have a fighting chance both economically and environmentally. Think of a world where fuel is utterly obsolete. Think of the reduction in capital expenditures that would represent. We could finally pay off the incredible debt that it has become necessary to enter in to in order to attempt to right this listing ship of state.
Mr. President please hear this for the sake of all humanity and even the Earth itself. Zero Point Vacuum Fluctuation based technologies represent real change. They represent a quantum leap for us all.
If anyone in a leadership position tells you that these technologies simply don’t exist, then ask them why it was that on page 193 of the FY 1986 Department of Defense Program Solicitation, AF86-77, item 6 proposals for research into “Esoteric energy sources for propulsion including the zero point quantum dynamic energy of vacuum space” were solicited. If this is such a ridiculous concept then why was this an item in that solicitation? (I have a copy if they can’t find it.) What ever I can do to serve this process I would be more than happy to do. There are other friends and colleagues who can also be of service. We need only be asked.
Adam Trombly
Director Institute for Advanced Studies at Aspen/ Project Earth
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