Excerpted from Angels Don’t Play This HAARP
© Jeane Manning 1992


The journey toward understanding “Tesla technology” had taken Jeane Manning to science conferences in Germany in 1987 and Switzerland two years later.

At both meetings, she heard an American astrophysicist, Adam Trombly; give eloquent speeches on environmental issues. A protégé of the late Buckminster Fuller, Trombly had founded the non-profit Project Earth through which he worked with other scientists toward understanding global ecosystems – the big picture.

©In July of 1995, Manning telephoned Trombly at the Institute of Advanced Studies at Aspen, Colorado, to ask about possible effects of the HAARP-type experiments, which would make artificial electromagnetic storms above the earth -experiments which would lift parts of the ionosphere and would literally expand those areas while accelerating more high energy particles in the already energetic Ionosphere.

HAARP would add more energy to a global system that is already stretched, replied the scientist. By “stretched”, he meant hyperstimulated by particle flows from the sun. To put it into perspective, think of our planet as a somewhat wobbly dynamo motoring around a sun. Our sun is an aging star and getting unreliable, to say the least. Through telescopes, people have been eying sunspots since Galileo’s time, and learned that magnetic storms above Earth and the northern lights are connected to those dark patches on the sun. In recent decades our sun has been throwing major fits spewing larger than usual bursts of high-energy particles into our planet’s systems.

Some of this hyperactivity started before men got into the act with nuclear explosions. With an effect similar to solar flares, manmade radiation from atomic technologies adds to the crossfire of super-speedy particles in which we live.

It’s difficult to tell how long the sun has been going through a hyperactive cycle, because sensitive scientific instruments to measure “coronal hole activity” on the sun are fairly new. A thorough study has only been possible in the last couple of decades. (The corona is the super-hot halo of plasma around the sun.)

Judging by the increase in the geomagnetic “noise” (disturbances in the earth’s magnetic field) heard on earth, some scientists speculate that the sun may be approaching a time of change. Whether or not the sun goes through a time of spectacular hot flashes in the near future and throws even more particles at Earth, the fact is that Earth is being affected right now.


“Eleven years ago we were predicting ground heating,” Trombly said, “…the earth is actually getting hotter inductively.” (To understand what he was talking about, Manning later had to turn to a dictionary of science. Induction heating means that electrically conducting material -in this case, materials in the earth – is heated as a result of the electric current induced in it by an alternating magnetic field (due to interaction with the sun and even with the moon). She began to see how Earth’s magnetic field could be in danger of breaking down and opening the way for a pole shift. Heat is an enemy to the strength of a magnet. (The fact that the earth is getting hotter was reported in the New York Times in 1991. The article said that Arctic ice had decreased by 2% in only a nine-year period.)

Trombly was saying that before men detonated underground nuclear tests or did anything else that was massively invasive to the state of balance of Earth’s systems, we were already on an unstable planet. When will Earth be electro-dynamically saturated with an “energy burden” from the sun? “The system is already at near-terminal capacity in our opinion,” said Trombly.

Then HAARP comes along…”a project that could further destabilize an earth that’s already an unstable environment”, as Trombly put it. The thought of a planet whose systems are overloaded, and which may soon reach the point where it couldn’t take any more high-energy particles, was sobering. Manning thought about the enthusiastic attitude of the scientists and military contractors whom the NO HAARP group called “the big boys with the big toys”. Those big time experimenters admit that they don’t know what will happen when they push Ionospheric-heating experiments into the next level of effects. They seem to be excited about the macho adventure of passing the next “threshold of effects” in the Ionosphere, and do not hesitate to pump gigawatts of power up there and intentionally accelerate particles in the ionosphere to “relativistic” speeds – nearly the speed of light.

Why would they be so irresponsible? Trombly answered in a word – denial. The decision makers are not being malicious, Trombly said; they are just refusing to face the facts about how flimsy the web of life on Earth is. “We do not want to admit that we are in a situation that is tenuous, where there are gradual (planetary) processes that are punctuated by catastrophic processes.”

Specialists tend to look at their own experiments as isolated incidents, without seeing long-term effects on larger systems, Trombly noted. As Manning heard him talk about lack of respect for Earth’s systems, she thought about a “Receding Ice on Arctic Sea Hints at Global Warming” by William K. Stevens, New York Times, July 4, 1991, pg. A 11 and a professor she had interviewed who was connected with HAARP.

The professor’s enthusiasm encompassed the possibility of HAARP creating a massive airglow in the Ionosphere, and of giving his doctoral students some technical challenges so they could get their Ph.D.s. Could their experiments set off a catastrophe? The research of the Institute for Advanced Studies looks into such questions. For example, earth monitoring with sensitive instruments revealed a connection between underground nuclear tests and earthquakes.

While nuclear explosions zap more high-energy particles into our global environment, HAARP specifically gives a sharp jab to the ionosphere. Trombly is concerned about atmospheric storms “once you create a point-like stress differential… What is it going to do in terms of gating influx from particles, from the magnetosphere down? We already have real problems with particle influx into this planet, now.”

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