The people of this planet really still do not have any idea just how severe the not too distant future will be.

Hundreds of billions, even trillions of dollars, pounds euros and yuans will need to be spent, complimented by countless hours of fruitful human labor to even begin to remediate what we have done and what we are continuing to do to this planet.

We live in time of great dissonance. The process in which we appear is continuing to unfold with or without us. All phenomena are being transformed in spite of all assertions to the contrary. Even though the earth and her sorry populations are currently out of resonance with the great process at infinity; every world and form and being is being brought into alignment one way or another. I have seen the future that is being created through our collective inaction and it could be dreadful. I also see far beyond into the timeless presence of the boundless luminosity of infinite being in which we inhere and only of which we share in the intrinsic.

The conductors of the orchestra of this planet’s body politic are mad. They are all mad. Not one of them has risen to the demands of this moment. The clang and the clatter of war dogs their every step. It is therefore necessary for those of us who can conduct the life force of very being to do so in manner that can help inspire the more timid among us to rise up like Lazarus from the tomb of collective/subjective fear and despair.

The orchestra must play. There must be resonant harmonics, subharmonics and overtones which help raise us all into the heart of being itself. A great crescendo must arise. An unprecedented chorus of human hearts must sing into the space of infinitely present everywhere and connect with the source and only true substance of our existence. We must all be the agents of love.

Once the music, arising of the bright deep and always present, is felt; it must not cease. This joyful sound must not cease. Our voices must join those of the celestial chorus which is oh so very real for those whose hearts still feel to love. No matter what happens we need never despair. As bad as things get on earth (and they will get very bad) the boundless heart always already embraces those who rest in love. Love is not subject to the hegemony of stupidity. Love is the feeling of infinity itself.

All of us have felt this in one moment or another. Time can never contain that feeling. I always pray that the spirit of love moves us all beyond all stupor and stupidity. I always pray that we can all be so inspired as to leave all dullness and corruption behind. All of us have been soiled, but the radiance is not spoiled.

The good conductor points out the harmonious presence of which all true music arises in the midst of infinity. This presence is beyond claim and territoriality. This presence is always right where we are, always right now even as the empires of man are blown asunder, washed away and shaken to mere rubble by the terrible winds, rains and quakes we have created through our past negligence.

All of this phenomenal existence is ephemeral like a great symphony which one day comes to an end. It is our one choice whether or not our instruments add to the harmonies or compound the dissonance. I pray that we all choose to add to the harmony but I am certain of one thing. Whatever we do, even every sour note or spoiled planet will be resolved in the outshining brightness of finally present at last.

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