The Solari Report on September 21, 2011 at 9:09 am

Part 1:

Part 2:

Listening to the Trombley interview right now……
…..and I think I’m in heaven. So freekin cool. Tell Catherine thank you a million times over!

By Catherine Austin Fitts

This Thursday evening on the The Solari Report (6pm PT/9pm ET) I will be speaking with Adam Trombly, director of Project Earth on Zero Point Energy – what is it, the likelihood that it will be integrated into our everyday world and what that would mean for humanity, culture and the global investment model.

Adam Trombly is a scientist with years of experience as an inventor working with game changing energy and geophysical technologies. In the process, he was challenged to understand global efforts to control and manipulate advanced technologies and the people and enterprises that might popularize them.

Adam was a sponsor of the conference I attended in Switzerland last year that brought together energy scientists and engineers from Europe and America in a panel that was the most enlightening and inspiring presentation I have seen in years. Adam is also featured in the upcoming documentary Thrive.

The feedback on Adam’s interview in August in Entrainment Technology and Subliminal Programing was some of the best we have ever gotten. Consequently, I am planning on going an extra hour. We will make every effort to answer all your questions. Post you questions as comments on the blog, or in the cart or in the webinar software during our discussion.

I will start with Money & Markets and Ask Catherine.

In Let’s Go to the Movies, Adam and I will review The Secret Life of Nikola Tesla, a 1980 Yugoslav biographical film about the inventor Nikola Tesla staring Orson Wells as JP Morgan. The movie is available for rent on YouTube.

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