Folks who model the Project Earth Mission & Their Works that Made a Difference.

Ambassador James George | R. Buckmister FullerHelen Caldicott | Nikola TeslaCatherine Austin Fitts | Racheal Carson |Tom Beardon | John Bedine | Bruce Depalma | Drs. Hurtaks

Ambassador James George

Friend and supporter of Project Earth, James George is a retired Canadian ambassador with a long-standing record of service concerning environmental issues. A founder of the Threshold Foundation and president of the Sadat Peace Foundation, he led the international mission (with Adam Trombly) to Kuwait and the Persian Gulf to assess post-war environmental damage. A longtime friend of the Dalai Lama, George is conversant with the spiritual disciplines of Hinduism, Buddhism, Sufism, and Christianity, and a practitioner of the Gurdjieff Work.

The Scientist Who Was Right—Unfortunately
By Former Canadian Ambassador James George

JAMES GEORGE FETED – September 15, 2008
John Robert Colombo contributes some impressions of
James George’s 90th Birthday Celebration in Toronto

Interview: James George: If Not Now, When? SF, CA 12/24/04
by Richard Whittaker

International Jurer for the Right Liveihood Award


R. Buckmister Fuller

Richard Buckminster “Bucky” Fuller (July 12, 1895 – July 1, 1983)[1] was an American systems theorist, author, designer, inventor, futurist and second president of Mensa International, the high IQ society.

Fuller published more than 30 books, inventing and popularizing terms such as “Spaceship Earth“, ephemeralization, and synergetic. He also developed numerous inventions, mainly architectural designs, the best known of which is the geodesic dome. Carbon molecules known as fullerenes were later named by scientists for their resemblance to geodesic spheres.

Panoramic view of the geodesic domes at the Eden Project

Fuller died on July 1, 1983, 11 days before his 88th birthday. During the period leading up to his death, his wife had been lying comatose in a Los Angeles hospital, dying of cancer. It was while visiting her there that he exclaimed, at a certain point: “She is squeezing my hand!” He then stood up, suffered a heart attack, and died an hour later, at age 87. His wife of 66 years died 36 hours later. They are buried in Mount Auburn Cemetery in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

A geodesic sphere

See Also

Buckminster Fuller: Thinking Out Loud

Emissions Reduction Currency System

The Buckminster Fuller Challenge

Cloud nine (Tensegrity sphere)

Old Man River’s City Project

Design science revolution

Whole Earth Cogatal





Helen Caldicott

The single most articulate and passionate advocate of citizen action to remedy the nuclear and environmental crises, Dr Helen Caldicott, has devoted the last 38 years to an international campaign to educate the public about the medical hazards of the nuclear age and the necessary changes in human behavior to stop environmental destruction.

While living in the United States from 1977 to 1986, she co-founded the Physicians for Social Responsibility, an organization of 23,000 doctors committed to educating their colleagues about the dangers of nuclear power, nuclear weapons and nuclear war. On trips abroad she helped start similar medical organizations in many other countries. The international umbrella group (International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War) won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1985. She also founded the Women’s Action for Nuclear Disarmament (WAND) in the US in 1980.

Internal Radioactive Emitters – Invisible, Tasteless, and Odorless
Huge quantities of radioactive elements, more than anyone has been able or willing to measure, have been continuously released into the air and water since the multiple meltdowns at the Fukushima Daiichi Complex in Japan on and around March 11, 2011.

This accident is enormous in its medical implications. It will induce an epidemic of cancer the likes of which the world has only rarely experienced, as people inhale the radioactive elements, eat radioactive vegetables, rice & meat, and drink radioactive milk & teas.

7 Facts about Nuclear Energy


Nikola Tesla


“Nature and Nature’s laws lay hid in night:
God said, “Let Tesla be”, and all was light.”

Born on July 9/10, 1856 in Smiljan, Lika (Austria-Hungary)
Died on January 7, 1943 in New York City, New York (USA)
Inventions: a telephone repeater, rotating magnetic field principle, polyphase alternating-current system, induction motor, alternating-current power transmission, Tesla coil transformer, wireless communication, radio, fluorescent lights, and more than 700 other patents.

Tesla was a pioneer in many fields. The Tesla coil, which he invented in 1891, is widely used today in radio and television sets and other electronic equipment. That year also marked the date of Tesla’s United States citizenship. His alternating current induction motor is considered one of the ten greatest discoveries of all time. Among his discoveries are the fluorescent light , laser beam, wireless communications, wireless transmission of electrical energy, remote control, robotics, Tesla’s turbines and vertical take off aircraft. Tesla is the father of the radio and the modern electrical transmissions systems. He registered over 700 patents worldwide. His vision included exploration of solar energy and the power of the sea. He foresaw interplanetary communications and satellites.

The Century Magazine published Tesla’s principles of telegraphy without wires, popularizing scientific lectures given before Franklin Institute in February 1893.

Tesla Memorial Society of New York

Portraits, Photos & Drawings of Inventions
Nikola Tesla – electro-magnetic motor
Nikola Tesla – Biography

Suggested Reading

Electricity Radio
Complete List of Patents


Catherine Austin Fitts

The Solari Report goes behind the headlines to reveal what’s really happening in the global financial system. Join Catherine Austin Fitts and her guests in weekly live briefings on Thursday at 6pm Pacific and learn how you can mitigate the toxic effects of manipulated money supplies. Through these hour-long briefings, you, your family, and your community will learn how to transform your relationship to finance, food, and health, and discover how to survive and thrive in changing times.

Catherine Austin Fitts offers Solari Report subscribers a unique perspective on how to navigate the opportunities and risks in the global financial system and political economy. Her background includes:

Investment Advisor: Managing member of Solari Investment Advisory Services, LLC and Sea Lane Advisory, LLC.

Entrepreneur: President of The Hamilton Securities Group, investment bank and financial software developer.
Government Official: Assistant Secretary of Housing – Federal Housing Commissioner, Bush I.
Investment Banker: Managing Director and member of the board of Wall Street firm Dillon, Read & Co. Inc.Catherine Austin Fitts’ understanding of the global financial system and the inner workings of the Wall Street-Washington axis are unparalleled. As the former U.S. Assistant Secretary of Housing/Federal Housing Commissioner, Catherine was one of the first to warn of an approaching housing bubble. Her prediction that a ‘strong dollar policy’ would ultimately lead to a weakened federal credit is currently being proven correct.[Top]

Rachel Louise Carson

May 27, 1907-April 14, 1964

Rachel Carson, writer, scientist, and ecologist, grew up simply in the rural river town of Springdale, Pennsylvania. Her mother bequeathed to her a life-long love of nature and the living world that Rachel expressed first as a writer and later as a student of marine biology. Carson graduated from Pennsylvania College for Women (now Chatham College) in 1929, studied at the Woods Hole Marine Biological Laboratory, and received her MA in zoology from Johns Hopkins University in 1932.

She was hired by the U.S. Bureau of Fisheries to write radio scripts during the Depression and supplemented her income writing feature articles on natural history for the Baltimore Sun. She began a fifteen-year career in the federal service as a scientist and editor in 1936 and rose to become Editor-in-Chief of all publications for the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Environmentalist RACHEL CARSON – TIME
Before there was an environmental movement, there was one brave woman and her very brave book.

Rachel Carson « EcoTopia
Rachel Carson made environmentalism respectable. Before Silent Spring , nearly all Americans believed that science was a force for good. …

Rachel Carson  – Womens History
A biography of Rachel Carson, environmentalist writer whose book Silent Spring helped spark the environmentalist movement in the late 20th century.


Tom Beardon

The purpose of the site is for information only.  I do not have time for, nor am I interested in, debating how many angels can dance on the head of a pin, so to speak.  Whether a particular model is “right” or “wrong” is not the question; the question is, is it useful and does it predict some new and useful results?   Eventually, technical concepts are useful only if they can do something different, provide a better model, etc.  Also, abstract mathematics is a wonderful exercise and set of models, but the physics is in the concepts which the mathematical symbols represent and which the mathematical operations manipulate. The physics is not in the mathematics itself, per se


John Bedine

Monopole replication of a large 12 Pole Energizer. This kit is made available because hundreds of people have asked for it over the years. We are providing a service to such people so that they can experiment with this technology and not have to spend tens of thousands of dollars having this system made up by machinists. It is not fully assembled and will not be assembled for people upon request. It is for learning and research purposes. Experiment at your own risk. Kit is molded and machined to the highest quality. This kit has 12 3.5″ motor coils and a 6″ x 12″ aluminum rotor. 96 #18 gauge wires with 96 circuits on 12 circuit boards. It has an aluminum base frame with plexy glass top. You will be able to run the machine not only at 12V and 24V imputs, but higher. The larger the battery bank used the more you will get out of it (provided the batteries are in good condition). The system allows for the charging bank to be considerably higher voltage than the primary battery bank (or the same if desired). Also included is a generator coil that powers LEDs to light up the Bedini logo and clear plastic. Includes 96 SSG circuits, heat sink and pads, wire to batteries, clips, small sample of xcelplus. Comes with instruction CD and SSG DVD sold above. Customer assembles rotor, frame and circuit. Some of the coiles can be replaced with the single wire coils for additional generator function (for recharging the primary battery or powering other loads. Orders placed now ship approximately 6 weeks from payment. All orders shipped in five boxes.
See new location of website for details:


Bruce Depalma

HurtakJJ James J. Hurtak, Ph.D., Ph.D., M.A., M.Th.

Founder and President of The Academy for Future Science, an international NGO (non-government organization). He is a social scientist, futurist, remote sensing and space law specialist. He is author of twenty books, his best-seller is The Keys of Enoch®.  Among his many other books is one he co-authored with physicist, Russell Targ, entitled End of Suffering and Mind Dynamics in Space and Time co-authored with Dr. Elizabeth Rauscher and Desiree Hurtak.He has two Ph.Ds, one from the University of California (1977), and one from the University of Minnesota (1993). His M.Th. is from Luther Theological Seminary where he studied early Greek, Latin and Coptic literature from the Patristic period under Dr. Carl Volz.

Dr. Hurtak has accomplished extensive archeological studies in Egypt and was one of the principal discoverers in 1997 of the “Tomb of Osiris” on the Giza Plateau. He also worked in the pyramids of Mexico and Egypt doing GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar) and acoustic sound tests. He is research director of the Great Pyramid of Giza Research Association.

In the 1980s he was a Director at Technology Marketing Analysis Corporation, San Francisco, which sponsored RETSIE (Renewable Energy Technology Symposiums) and worked with six government agencies, in addition to NASA, to bring together over a thousand engineers, scientists and industrial leaders to exchange information on renewable energy technology. In the late 1980s and 1990s, he was scientific consultant for LASERTECH in Brazil which developed lasers for industrial applications and for the study of rapidly changing environmental conditions, particularly in the study of deforestation and the soil conditions in the Brazilian farmlands and throughout the Amazon. He and The Academy For Future Science are the holders of fourteen gold and silver medal film awards for his work in bringing science and art together in the media.

Dr. Hurtak was a scientific consultant for Sidney Sheldon’s bestseller of an alien encounter entitled The Doomsday Conspiracy (1992) and a researcher in the field of extraterrestrial investigation for over 35 years. He was a speaker at The First International Conference on ET Research in Acapulco with Dr. J. Allen Hynek.

Dr. Hurtak was a speaker at the United Nations Rio+20 (2012), the UN DPI Climate Forum, New York (2007) and was a participant at the UN World Summit for Sustainable Development (Johannesburg, 2002). He has spoken at major universities in Europe, South Africa, South America and the United States, and has spoken before the Russian Academy of Science and the Chinese Academy of Science.

He is a pioneer in the area of space law, having published papers with the American Astronautical Society and the Mars Society.  In 2005 and 2012, he was an invited speaker to the Law School at Northeast University of Santa Catarina, Brazil, on space law and safeguarding non-renewable resources, and his papers have been published in McGill University’s Journal entitled Annals of Air and Space Law and The University of Mississippi, School of Law’s Journal of Space Law.

The Academy for Future Science, which he founded with his wife, Desiree, has helped the indigenous people in Africa and South America through their outreach of food, clothing and education and for this, Dr. Hurtak was made an honorary member of the Xavante Nation in Mato Grosso, Brazil. He has worked to promote clean water resources and environmental habitats using remote sensing with an understanding that time is running out for many non-renewable resources.

In the capacity of an international consultant Dr. J.J. Hurtak has been featured in numerous film documentaries, and has appeared on television programs throughout the world, including Evening Magazine, Good Morning Australia, Good Morning South Africa, 60 Minutes (International), Carte Blanche, Globo TV in Brazil and National TV in Japan, Hoy Mismo (Mexico) and the ECO-satellite program 2020 with famed journalist Jaime Maussan.

In ecumenical and interfaith work he has lectured at the Parliament of the World’s Religions in Johannesburg (1999), Barcelona (2004), Melbourne (2009), and Salt Lake City (2015).

In the arts and humanities, J.J. Hurtak is lyricist for many CDs, including The Living Capstone-The Great Liturgy of the Divine Eternal Father (2000); The Sacred  Language of Ascent (2006) with Alice Coltrane (not released); Rea Ho Boka (2009) with the South African Mighty Voice Cultural Choir; Sacred Name Sacred Codes (2012) with Steven Halpern; and Das Zeitzeugenkonzert with the German Symphonic Orchestra of Berlin (2010).

HurtakDesireeDesiree Hurtak, Ph.D., MS.Sc.

Social scientist, futurist and co-founder with her husband Dr. J.J. Hurtak of The Academy For Future Science, an international organization working in over fifteen countries.  Dr. Desiree Hurtak is also an environmentalist and an author of several books. Her most recent work, co-authored with her husband, is entitled Overself Awakening which has already been translated into 6 languages, as well as The 72 Names of the Myriad Expressions of the Divine Mother. Her most recent book co-authored with her husband and Dr. Elizabeth Rauscher entitled Mind Dynamics in Space and Time.

Desiree has worked extensively in both Egypt and Mexico. She hosted a panel at the United Nations Rio+20 Summit (2012) where she presented The Academy’s work with the Indigenous peoples of Brazil, focusing on Youth and Sustainable development. She also presented at the UN DPI Climate Forum, New York (2007) and was a participant at the UN World Summit for Sustainable Development (Johannesburg, 2002). She also lectured at The Parliament of the World’s Religions in Melbourne (2009) and Salt Lake City (2015) and now Toronto (2018) as part of her work is to bring together a greater interfaith dialog.  To this end, she was one of the co-founders of the Committee for Spiritual Values and Global Concerns (New York). She is also an Evolutionary Leader which allows for a dynamic networking of key critical thinkers from United Nations and other major academic institutions.

Dr. Desiree Hurtak has been a film producer with the Manhattan Neighborhood Network, a public access TV station. She has a Masters Degree in International Relations from Syracuse University and a Ph.D. from The New School University, in the area of Public Policy.  She has worked extensively in Egypt and Mexico recording acoustic testing of many ancient structures and was part of the exploration in 1997 that found the “Tomb of Osiris” on the Giza Plateau.

She and her husband are well known for their media work including “The Light Body”, “The Voice of Africa“ and “Initiation” from which they have won 14 national and international film awards.  She was a scientific consultant for Sidney Sheldon’s bestseller of an alien encounter entitled The Doomsday Conspiracy (1992) and recently was part of a film entitled Wisdom of the Wayshowers, which includes many leading futurists including Apollo 14 Astronaut, Edgar Mitchell speaking about the existence of the life beyond Earth and a musical CD Sacred Name Sacred Codes with Steven Halpern.  Desiree has appeared on numerous films and radio presentations including The Deepak Chopra Show and Coast to Coast Radio.
