Posted: 12 December 2011

We can put an end to government subsidized whale slaughter once and for all by raising a massive global call to Japane to support Fukushima victims and not the whaling industry. Let’s show Noda the whole world is watching.

Hundreds of thousands of Japanese citizens are stranded and homeless in radioactive areas, but their government will continue to plunder precious disaster relief funds to subsidise the brutal slaughter of whales, unless we help end this madness now.

Right now, the Japanese whaling fleet is barreling south to hunt up to 1,000 majestic whales, fueled by $30 million skimmed from disaster relief. Back home, Fukushima mothers are pleading for relocation money to escape radiation that afflicts children with nosebleeds, persistent flu and diarrhoea. The Prime Minister is struggling to regain credibility after his poor handling of the tragedy — and if we join with Fukushima victims now, we can pressure him to stop funding the senseless slaughter and ensure disaster money reaches the victims who need it most.

It’s a moral travesty that the government refuses to fund children relocating from radioactive areas, but we can shame Prime Minister Noda to stop swiping funds from Fukushima families. Let’s create a massive global petition to Japan to save mothers, not whalers, and we’ll join disaster survivors in delivering it directly to his office when we reach 500,000 signers — add your name now on the right and share with all your friends using the tools below!

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