September 20, 2007 – It is so pathetic to see the people on the republican side of the aisle in both the United States House of Representatives and the United States Senate, who continue to support the treason in the Executive Branch, pretending to be loyal Americans. These are not Americans. I would just like the rest of the world to know that. We the People of the United States of America see that these are pathetic and abusive sycophants.
We the People would much rather hear from even one honest man who can still remind us of the meaning of words like Integrity and Intelligent Leadership than all of the other noise in Washington, D.C. We the People of the United States of America would like to hear what Admiral William Fallon would say in testimony before Congress regarding Iraq and for that matter the entire Middle East. We People of the United States of America are demanding the Truth. We know what it feels like in our heart of hearts. We know the way the sound thrills our ears. We know the fire it ignites in us.
I really hate to say this. It would be so nice to be able to respect all our “elected” officials. We have a President who can barely get through a sentence. We have a Vice President who makes all true Americans feel ashamed. The vast majority of Americans feel with great urgency the need to rid ourselves, our country and our planet of the parasites now posing as our leaders.
Before Bush and companies stole the 2000 and the 2004 Presidential elections and thereby thwarted the Will of the People, the United States of America was in the best shape we had been in for a very long time. We were prosperous and respected throughout the world. We were paying down our national debt. We could once again hold our heads high in the world community.
How strange that the Democrats should come out looking so good after eight years of being tormented by the “republican” right. Now these same ridiculous “right wing” men continue to hold us all hostage to a President and Vice President who have morally, legally and economically nearly completely bankrupted the United States of America while hiding behind the flag they desecrate. They block every Democratic attempt to set us free from the abyss in Iraq. What about the rule of Law??? Who are these guys anyway? Why do they take such pleasure in destroying things like entire countries and planets?
It isn’t that the Democrats are nearing perfection or anything like it, but at least they are trying to end the carnage in Iraq and the pitiless exploitation of the wonderful men and women of the United States Armed Forces. Even so, in spite of the half-hearted efforts on the Democratic side of the aisle, the rest of the world continues to perceive the United States of America to be in free fall. Stupidity seems to have taken hold of the People. Many of our friends abroad keep watching the monitors for signs of life in the United States. Who are we anyway? The Americans the rest of the world ßonce hoped we were would never let this go down without a fight. Will we?
God Bless the people at for having the courage to say what the rest of us were thinking. Which will it be General Petraeus or General Betray us? Are they really just the same?
We are not insulting our military. We love the men and women of the Armed Forces. We love them so much that in spite of Executive Orders, ignored and thereby tacitly sanctioned by Congress, which allow this President to completely abuse the citizens of our once proud land for exercising Free Speech we will not be silenced. As Americans we all have a duty to our families, our country and to our Armed Forces to raise our voices against the slaughter and maiming of the truly brave. None of us should be subjected to domination by chickenshit, ass-kissing men who pose as leaders of the brave.
We the People would much rather hear from even one honest man who can still remind us of the meaning of words like Integrity and Intelligent Leadership than all of the other noise in Washington, D.C. We the People of the United States of America would like to hear what Admiral William Fallon would say in testimony before Congress regarding Iraq and for that matter the entire Middle East. We People of the United States of America are demanding the Truth. We know what it feels like in our heart of hearts. We know the way the sound thrills our ears. We know the fire it ignites in us.
So we here at Project Earth, we who have warned you all of the Great Emergency on Earth for over a quarter of a century, will continue to tell the Truth as best we can to our beloved fellow travelers on Spaceship Earth. If some of our readers are bothered by this I believe that there is a black hole in Washington, D.C. or Crawford, Texas just waiting to suck up all of your life force. For the rest of us Democracy still has meaning. For the rest of us the welfare of the entire Earth is still of paramount importance.
In the midst of Infinity and Eternity we pray for an end to the tyranny in Washington. In the midst of Infinity and Eternity we cry out for the sake of all Life. We cry into the Midst of Infinity and Eternity, which is our True Context, for Love and Courage to take hold of our collective heart and move us beyond the stupor of political inertia.
It is not loving to allow these empty shells of men to control our present or our future. We all need to find our voices. We can all see what is going on. The Emperor is naked and covered with corruption. So pick up your phones and let someone you love hear your voice. Say, “Hey I’m alive and I care. What about you? Want to take our planet back?”
Let neighbor awaken neighbor from our too long sleep.Call ten friends, relatives, associates, fellow citizens, former lovers, current lovers and reclaim this Earth for Life.
If each person we call will in turn call ten and those then call ten and on and on we can cover the Earth with our voices. We need to really do this. We cannot let Diebold or Halliburton to decide our future. Let’s make our Senators and Representatives phones ring off the hook until they hear our voices. Let’s inundate Washington, D.C. with good old-fashioned letters, millions and millions of them. The trees won’t mind. The trees need to have their voices heard too.
We have always called this exponential networking here at Project Earth. Surprise yourselves. Be the Technology of Love. Let Life Articulate You. Let Love and Courage Express You.
Let’s bring an end to the shadows cast upon our world. Let us all participate in Outshining the darkness. Let us be free of embarrassment. Let us all remember that Free People are not afraid to Love or to fight for Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.
Love is not passive in the face of abject evil. Love is Fierce and Passionate and Full of Life’s intelligence. Love will not tolerate the abuse of the Planet or the Children of Earth. Love acts. Love takes back control of our lives one at a time, ten at a time, then thousands, millions and billions at a time.
We all know what it is to Feel without limitation. We are Life’s secret weapons. May those who love Life Rule. May we all learn together how to be human again. May we all come back to Life again. Like Lazarus we all need to wash off the stink of corporate entombment and get on with the business of Life.
Life takes a while to get used to after so much adaptation to death and corruption but when we actually start feeling and acting like human beings then things like boundless energy, food without poisons, electricity without pollution, life without measure, curing cancer and healing our home planet won’t seem like ridiculous pipe dreams anymore. Let us put the evil of this time behind us.
There is limitless and practically useful energy anywhere you stand or sit. We can feel it and we can be it. We can tap into it with real technologies. We can light our homes and drive our quiet, clean vehicles as the wounds of our tortured Earth are healed forever. Let’s take our planet back. Let’s start now. Let’s make it impossible for the people who are supposed to represent us to think we are stupid morons following them into hell.
We have to lead our countries, our Earth and ourselves back to Life. The dead just can’t do it.
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